Professor Maynard teaches:
Proposal Writing (Chem 210)
Polymer Chemistry (Chem 181/281)
Organic Chemistry: Reactivity and Synthesis Part 1 (Chem 30B)
Organic Chemistry: Reactivity and Synthesis Part 2 (Chem 30C)
Physical Organic Chemistry (Chem 143/243)
Biomaterial Interfaces (BME 282)
Bionanotechnology (Chem 140/240)
Problems in Advanced Organic Chemistry (Chem 249A)
Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials (Chem 235O)
Professor Maynard teaches short courses both in the US and abroad and co-organized a course on Bionantechnology in Bariloche, Argentina. The latter school was attended by students from both the US and Argentina, and additionally involved discourses on culture of the respective countries. The lectures were provided after a US-Argentina Workshop on Nanotechnology that Professor Maynard co-organized, which was chosen as the first bilateral exchange on nanotechnology between the two countries.